

Articles to assist in your job search

magic number

Is there a magic number?

The pressing question on everyone's mind: Is there a magic number of job applications one must submit to secure a job offer? The search for employment is a complex equation influenced by industry trends, job types, personal experiences, and a .... Read...

rate of employment

Lowest Unemployment Rate vs the Real Life Job Search Struggle

In the realm of employment, we're witnessing a tale of two starkly different worlds. The first a narrative shaped by optimistic statistics... Read...

kids cheering

Get Employed Faster: Insider Tips for Quick Success!

.......Now, let's shift our focus to three hidden hurdles job seekers often stumble upon, along with practical advice to gracefully leap over them......Read.....

cover letter to hiring mnger

Why Your Cover Letter Could Be Your Ticket to Your Dream Job!

....practical advice to gracefully leap over them. Now, let's focus on cover letter - should you write one when it's optional?...Read.....


Ghosting - should you? the last article, I recommended you write a cover letter, in this arcticle I will discuss should you ghost a prospective employer...Read.....
