Heyyyy there! I'm Jody Depp.

As a Front End Developer, I enjoy creating clean, responsive websites. Let's collaborate!


Sticky Notes App

Sticky Notes App

Interactive App to create, edit, search and delete sticky notes. Created in CodeSandbox with JavaScript, React, Data Flow Management, ES6, JSX, DOM Manipulation.

Skills: JSX-React, DOM Manipulation, ES6, Managed Data Flow

Tools: CodeSandbox, State, Props

Live Page
AI Website

Website for AI

Website for job seekers to use AI to help with resume, coverletters and interviews etc.

Skills: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

Tools: VS Code

Live Page
Guess the Word Game

Guess the Word Game

A fun game to pass your time guessing which letters make up the blank spaces for a word. You get a limited number of guesses, then the game ends and you can start a new one.

Skills: JavaScript

Tools: Text Editor, GitHub Pages, JSON

Live Page
GitHub Gallery

GitHub Repo Gallery

This gallery is a visually appealing view of my GitHub Repo. Coded with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Skills: JavaScript, Version Control, Responsive Design, HTML5 & CSS3

Tools: Git and GitHub Pages, REST API, DOM Manipulation

Live Page
Woman in Nature Retreat

Unplugged Retreat

Unplugged Retreat is a fun multi-page responsive website to get you dreaming of your next relaxing work retreat. I used Flexbox and Media Queries to make the site adjustable to your phone, tablet or desktop!

Skills: Breakpoints, Responsive Typography, Flexbox, HTML5 & CSS3

Tools: Text Editor, Photoshop, Git, GitHub and Dev Tools

Live Page
Mom Friend Website

Mom Friend

Website in progress for a mom focused website to provide a place for moms to connect.

Skills: Design

Tools: WordPress.org

Live Page
Perfume Marketing Ad

Perfume Ad

Advertisment for a perfume brand.

Skills: Design, Marketing

Tools: html5, CSS, responsive design

Live Page
QR code

QR Code Ad

QR code to scan and navigate to a business.

Skills: Design, Marketing, Development

Tools: Coded with html5 and CSS3

Live Page
clothing ad

QR Code Ad

Coming soon marketing ad with signup form.

Skills: Design, Marketing, Development

Tools: Coded with html5 and CSS3

Live Page


Developer Skills







Responsive Web Development

Git & Command Line

Web Hosting


Web API's

Data Flow Management

Tech Tools


Chrome Dev Tools

Adobe Photoshop


VS Studio Code


Hey, Jody Depp here.

I'm a Front End Web Developer excited about coding clean, responsive, user friendly websites.

Coding my way to a career change.

I grew up in the US, Europe and Africa, which naturally instilled in me adaptability and a unique perspective from the status quo. I always tell my kids “if you don’t try new things you could be missing out on something you’ll love” and that's exactly what happened when I tried coding.

My past jobs often involved taking data and putting it into an applicable format for others to use. As a paralegal, I input client data into legal programs for the Court and as web developer I love putting data into HTML, CSS and JS to create websites and programs.

I look forward to collaborating with you on a development project!